ALTA GROUP buys 30 percent of shares in Addiko Bank AG
The company of Davor Macura, PhD, owner of ALTA banka a.d. and ALTA PAY Group d.o.o., bought a package of about 30 percent of shares in Addiko bank AG, whose headquarters are in Vienna, and applied for permission to become the largest shareholder of that banking group.
ALTA PAY Group has so far managed to buy a 30 percent share in Addiko bank AG, the process of obtaining approval from all relevant regulatory bodies has been initiated
As a result, ALTA GROUP acquisition would become one of the leading regional players in the banking market originating from the ex YU area.
ALTA banka is one of the banks from this region with the longest business tradition, since 1979. By changing the business model and establishing good market practices, ALTA banka records intense growth and achieves significant results in all business segments.
ALTA PAY Group is a leader in the payment service industry, through a system of 4,100 locations in the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro. With the successfully completed acquisition of the payment institution EKI Transfers, ALTA PAY Group has become a strategic partner of Western Union for the markets of Serbia and Montenegro.